CSSf Volunteering – Charter of Rights and Obligations

Important Notice: All mentioned rights and obligations have been drawn up taking into account the legal provisions arising from the corresponding law LLEI 25/2015, del 30 de juliol, del voluntariat i de foment de l’associacionisme. 


  • To receive information from the CSSf about the entity’s mission, purpose and ways to operate, about the sense and development of volunteering actions and about the role the volunteer is going to play and which path he/she is going to take.
  • To receive the necessary information to achieve the completion of the proposed activities..
  • To be treated without any kind of discrimination.
  • To formalize a collaboration agreement with CSSf.
  • To dispose of a volunteer accreditation or identification when acting as such.
  • To obtain a certificate for the programs in which you participate.
  • To receive recognition for gained experience.
  • To participate in the drawing up specific programs and actions for volunteers.
  • To receive information on the health, hygiene, safety, etc. conditions adequate to the nature of your volunteering activity.
  • To receive coverage through an insurance policy when a specific volunteering activity requires it including coverage of
  • possible damage to third parties.
  • Not having to cover any costs that the volunteering activity may generate. Or to be compensated for them.
  • To freely agree on the conditions and possible changes in your engagements as a volunteer; your commitments, schedules, etc.
  • To disassociate from your volunteering commitment when you deem it appropriate.
  • All other rights recognized by the corresponding law.



  • To cooperate in achieving the set goals.
  • To participate actively with the agreed on training for volunteers on achieving set objectives.
  • To fulfill your tasks responsibly, diligently, competently, etc. and to to respect the internal CSSf operation standards, its principles and values.
  • To observe the health and safety measures established by law
  • To reject any economical or material retribution you may be offered for your volunteering.
  • To respect the rights and the dignity of those who are the recipients of the volunteering actions as well as those of the rest of volunteers.
  • To guard the most absolute confidentiality about learned or received aspects or information during volunteering duties.
  • To notify your resignation to the CSSf in a reliable manner and with sufficient notice as to interfere or harm the organization’s usual development of activities.

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E-mail: cssf@chiarifoundationbcn.com

Pº Manuel Girona, nº 32

08034 Barcelona, Spain

Tel. +34 932 066 406

Fax. +34 932 066 403