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The Chiari & Scoliosis & Syringomyelia Foundation (CSSf), in collaboration with the Institut Chiari & Siringomielia & Escoliosis de Barcelona (ICSEB) and the Col.legi Oficial de Metges de Barcelona (Medical Board of Barcelona), organises an artistic solidarity event to celebrate the 10th anniversary of its foundation. The event will be held in the auditorium of the Medical Association of Barcelona, on Friday 26 October 2018 at 18:30 h.
Since its inauguration on November 4th, 2008, in the Auditorium of the CIMA Clinic’s Masía, the CSSf works to make possible the research, dissemination and application of the medical findings made by Dr. Miguel B. Royo Salvador, with the support and collaboration of the Autonomous University of Barcelona, the Institut Neurològic de Barcelona and the Institut Chiari & Siringomielia & Escoliosis de Barcelona (ICSEB), among others.
The Foundation supports the ICSEB and its Research & Development (R&D) Department, by promoting research and innovation in the study of the Filum Disease and related pathologies, such as the Arnold-Chiari I Syndrome, idiopathic Syringomyelia and idiopathic Scoliosis. The CSSf promotes Filum Disease’s teaching and dissemination by sponsoring the ICSEB’s Filum Academy Barcelona® which organizes the accreditation courses for the Filum System® method application and promotes meetings and conferences in various countries and in different languages. To help patients with the Filum Disease achieve an excellent treatment and improve their quality of life, the Foundation runs on donations and grants. It currently supports 16 lines of research, has 9 publications in different languages and has helped 25 patients of 11 different nationalities.
The 3rd Cultural Event to celebrate the 10 years of hard work at the service of science and affected patients, will present the play “Tutta colpa di Arnold” (All because of Arnold), a drama piece written, directed and performed by the artist and patient Rita Capobianco. The Italian actress, dancer, presenter and author, relives her experience with the rare disease that affects her, the Arnold-Chiari Syndrome Type I, with this grotesque monologue. The protagonist takes us on her personal journey, since the disease starts to manifest, until it is identified and treated with the Sectioning of the Filum terminale according to the Filum System® and so finding a way out and starting a new life.
With the patient wellbeing and scientific advances as firm objectives, the Chiari & Scoliosis & Syringomyelia Foundation is set on carrying on with its mission. We will therefore lend support to all individual, society or initiative that helps those patients affected by these conditions, respecting its human, ethical and scientific values.