The creation of the Chiari & amp; Scoliosis & amp; Syringomyelia Fundació Privada is the wish come true of Dr. Miguel Bta. Royo Salvador, with the aim of projecting to the future the medical-scientific discoveries of more than forty years of work and disclosing the causes and solutions of the Filum Disease.
On 9th of July, 2008, the Foundational Charter by which the Foundation is constituted is presented to the public, and on October 9th, 2008, by virtue of the Resolution of the Minister of Justice, it is registered in the Register of Foundations of the Generalitat de Catalunya. Beyond this moment, it is completely legal and fully operative for the exercise of its activities and achievement of its founding objectives.
On November 4, 2008, in the Auditorium of the Masia of the CIMA clinic in Barcelona, the Foundation’s presentation took place, on the occasion of the conference-colloquium “Chiari, Syringomyelia and Scoliosis, new treatment” offered by Dr. Royo.