Publicado por CSFF el 12 November, 2011
La «Associazione Italiana Sindrome Arnold Chiari I- Siringomielia- Scoliosi- Filum.Tomizzati Onlus» (AI.SAC.SI.SCO) presenta la V Reunión «Chiari & Scoliosis & Syringomyelia Foundation» para pacientes.
Trieste. Italia. 12/11/2011
Colabora el «Institut Chiari & Siringomielia & Escoliosis de Barcelona»

Place of the Meeting: Circolo Sottufficiali Via Cumano, 5 Trieste. Italia
MEETING AND MEAL RESERVATION In order to make organizational matters easier, we would like to ask you to please confirm your attendance. The attendance is free. To join us during the coffee break, lunch buffet and dinner please make a reservation by paying the participation fee by bank transfer before November 4th. 1. Please send the registrationon form for the meeting and meals to the following email address: aisacsisco@yahoo.it Download forms: – For the meeting – For the meals For any doubts, the following telephone numbers will be available: Italian: Tel. 0039 3291737551 French: Tel. 00393404510737 English: E-mail: aisacsisco@yahoo.it (send an email with your telephone number and they will contact you) Spanish, Catalán and other languages: Tel. 0034 93 280 08 36 / 0034 902 350 320. Photographic report of the reunion: – https://www.institutchiaribcn.com/index.php?arxiu=fitxa_document&idioma=1&id=16940 – https://www.institutchiaribcn.com/index.php?arxiu=fitxa_document&idioma=1&id=16952 – https://www.aisacsisco.org/portale/associazione/convegni-e-riunioni