The “Associazione Italiana Sindrome Arnold-Chiari I- Siringomielia- Scoliosi- Filum.Tomizzati Onlus” (AI.SAC.SI.SCO) presents the IV Meeting “Chiari & Scoliosis & Syringomyelia Foundation” for patients.
Palermo. Italia. Saturday October 15th 2011
The centers collaborating are the “Centro Medico Mantia”, the association “A.M.I.S. des M.O.M” and the “Institut Chiari & Siringomielia & Escoliosis de Barcelona”
9:00am Event opening- President of the assocation AI.SAC.SI.SCO Mrs. Cristiana Cattaruzza.
9:15am Introduction- Dr. Francesco Crocé, general practitioner and specialist in respiratory system diseases, patient and Regional reference in Calabria of the AI.SAC.SI.SCO.
The personal experience of a doctor-patient operated of the Section of the Filum Terminale (SFT).
10:00am Coffee pause.
10:20am Presentation- Mrs. Gioia Luè, Psychologist, surgical Patient care of the ICSEB.
The “Institut Chiari & Siringomielia & Escoliosis de Barcelona”(ICSEB) protocol for the SFT and patients quality of life with Arnold-Chiari I Syndrome and idiopathic Syringomyelia before and after the surgery.
11:00am Presentation- Dr. Miguel B. Royo Salvador Neurosurgeon and Neurologist. ICSEB Director.
Results of 400 cases operated by means of the Section of the Filum Terminale: the acute and subclinical Neuro-Craneo-Vertebral Syndrome.
1:00pm Lunch buffet.
3:00pm Presentation- The association “Associazione Italiana Sindrome Arnold-Chiari I- Siringomielia- Scoliosi- Filum.Tomizzati Onlus” (AI.SAC.SI.SCO)- Regional reference in Sicily Mrs. Marisa Toscano.
Presentation- The “Chiari & Scoliosis & Siringomielia Foundation” (CSSF)- Founder Dr. Miguel B. Royo Salvador
Presentation- The “Centro Medico Mantia. Presidio Ambulatoriale di Recupero e Riabilitazione Funzionale”.
Presentation- The “Association Maladies Inconnues Solidaires et Maladies Orphelines ou Méconnues” (A.M.I.S des M.O.M). President Mrs. Estelle Lussiana.
3:40-5:00pm Roundtable: “
Arnold-Chiari I Syndrome, Syringomyelia, Scoliosis and Section of the filum terminale“.
5:00pm DIAGNOSTIC ORIENTATION AT DISTANCE: The assistants whom are interested in bringing their clinical documentation (copy in CD of MRIs and photocopies of medical reports) to leave to the ICSEB team. Once going back to Barcelona, their family members will communicate Dr. Royo Salvador and his medical team´s opinion as soon as possible.
8:00pm Dinner
– Music and dancing organized by the AI.SAC.SI.SCO.
Note: This program could be subject to change.
Meeting place:
San Paolo Palace Hotel Palermo
Via Messina Marine, 91
90123 Palermo · Italia
In order to make organizational matters easier, we would like to ask you to please confirm your attendance.
The attendance is free.
To join us during the coffee break, lunch buffet and dinner please make a reservation by paying the participation fee by bank transfer before
October 9th.
1. Please send the registrationon form for the meeting and meals to the following email address:
Download forms:
For the meeting –
For the meals
2. Information on recommended accommodation:
For any doubts, the following telephone numbers will be available:
Italian: Tel. 0039 3291737551
French: Tel. 00393404510737
English: E-mail: (send an email with your telephone number and they will contact you)
Spanish, Catalán and other languages: Tel. 0034 93 280 08 36 / 0034 902 350 320.
Photographic report of the reunion: