The Chiari & Scoliosis & Syringomyelia Fundació privada (CSSf) will be turning 10 years old in the upcoming month of November, during this year 2018. The CSSf was constituted with one basic goal, the reason for its creation; the propagation and application of the Dr. Miguel B. Royo-Salvador’s medical findings with the support and cooperation of the Institut Chiari & Siringomielia & Escoliosis de Barcelona, amongst other entities and bodies, to benefit the highest possible number of patients affected by the Filum Disease.
The CSSf, in line with its founding objectives, is dedicated to researching the Filum Disease, informing and teaching about it, and to provide social aid.
The Foundation appeared for the first time in Society on 4th of November 2008, in the auditorium of CIMA clinic’s country house, in Barcelona, during the presentation ceremony of “Chiari, Syringomyelia and Scoliosis: a new treatment”.
We are currently backing 16 lines of research, we have published 9 books in different languages and we have helped 25 patients from 11 different countries to have the possibility of treatment for their condition.
It is our challenge to never stop: we want to hold more conferences and cultural events to propagate our knowledge about the Filum Disease, we aspire to provide help, within our possibilities, so that more patients can access appropriate and effective treatment, and it is our goal to keep on growing thanks to our collaborators and volunteers from around the world.
We want to wholeheartedly thank all our benefactors, collaborators and donors for their donations and collaborations that have made it possible to celebrate these 10 years and allow our Foundation to follow new challenges and goals.
FB: We are completing 10 years of struggle against the Filum Disease! We continue to grow for the patients’ benefit.