On October 27th and 28th 2022, the “Filum System Medical for physiotherapists” course will take place at ICSEB (Barcelona). This course will be imparted by the Filum Academy of Barcelona (FAB) and the Institut Chiari & Siringomielia & Escoliosis de Barcelona- with the collaboration of the Chiari & Scoliosis & Syringomyelia Fundació Privada-.
The participating trainers will be Dr. Miguel B. Royo Salvador and Dr. Marco Di Gesù.

From left to right: Mrs. María de Los Ángeles Martínez Fernández; Mrs. Sandra Rubiño; Mr. Jaume Minoves; Dr. Miguel Royo Salvador; Mrs. Gioia Luè; Mr. Albert Casas Pallarés; Mr. Guillermo Navarro Solvas; Mrs. Marta Pla Baranera.

From left to right: Mrs. María de Los Ángeles Martínez Fernández; Mrs. Sandra Rubiño; Mr. Jaume Minoves; Dr. Marco Di Gesù; Mrs. Gioia Luè; Mr. Albert Casas Pallarés; Mr. Guillermo Navarro Solvas; Mrs. Marta Pla Baranera.

Presentation of Collaborator Diploma to Dr. Marco Di Gesù, Neuro-Rehabilitator. Responsible for Mya Salute in Palermo.

Diploma delivery to Mrs. Sandra Rubiño, Physiotherapist. Head of Kaizen Health.

Diploma delivery to Mrs. Marta Pla Baranera, Physiotherapist. Kaizen Health.

Diploma delivery to Mrs. María de Los Ángeles Martínez Fernández, Physiotherapist. Kaizen Health.

Diploma delivery to Mr. Jaume Minoves, Physiotherapist.

Entrega de Diploma al Sr. Albert Casas Pallarés. Responsable de Kaizen Salud.

Diploma delivery to Mr. Albert Casas Pallarés. Head of Kaizen Health.

From left to right: Mrs. Gioia Luè; Mr. Albert Casas Pallarés; Mr. Guillermo Navarro Solvas; Mrs. Marta Pla Baranera; Dr. Marco Di Gesù; Dr. Miguel Royo Salvador; Mrs. María de Los Ángeles Martínez Fernández; Mrs. Sandra Rubiño; Mr. Jaume Minoves.

From left to right: Dr. Marco Di Gesù; Mrs. Marta Pla Baranera; Mr. Albert Casas Pallarés; Mrs. Sandra Rubiño; Mr. Jaume Minoves; Mrs. María de Los Ángeles Martínez Fernández; Mr. Guillermo Navarro Solvas; Mrs. Gioia Luè.